How does Counter Attacking work in Lost Ark?

Posted by LebronJohn LebronJohn February 27, 2022

Filed in Arts & Culture 229 views

In Lost Ark, perhaps one of the most important parts of combat is counter attacking, aside from staying alive and dealing good damage. This ability is available in a variety of ways for most classes, and is crucial when facing Guardian Raids and other PvE content. But how does Counter Attacking work?

Certain enemies, usually boss and higher, occasionally emit blue light when performing certain attacks. During this brief window, players can use a specific attack to interrupt the attack, leaving the enemy unguarded to take all the damage.

If they want to discover which attacks do it, they can check their skills and look out for the yellow “counter attack” label. As a general rule, they should always have the counter attack skill on the action bar in PvE content.

The “Lost Ark counter attacking guide” written by IGGM goes a long way in visualizing counter attacking, so if players are still unsure how it works, check out the IGGM website for more details.

And, if players need a lot of Lost Ark Gold to support their spending on weapons and armor, they can also buy Gold at IGGM for that purpose. Rich experience and safe system, you can buy the most and cheapest Lost Ark Gold at the lowest price.

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