Lost Ark is a free-to-play MMO which plays like Diablo

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So what is a Lost Ark anyway I spent an entire week looking into this new gaming sensation, determined to Lost Ark Gold see if it has the necessary features to become my latest obsession, or something I'm content with letting people obsess about. Lost Ark is a free-to-play MMO which plays like Diablo. It's an isometric action RPG that has all the cultural hallmarks of a free-to play MMO which includes wildly undressed female models as well as a game chat that is flooded with spam from gold farmers. Lost Ark is mindless fun and won't penalize players for not taking the game too seriously.

Lost Ark Sets New Round of Fever Time, With Rewards to Help Honing and battling

Lost Ark is getting two additional weekends of the weekend-only Fever Time event to close the month of the month of July. The event allows players to benefit once on a Saturday and again on Sunday. This event joins recently-added bonus promotions that have been added since in July's Spells of Spades upgrade.

Fever Time is a simple affair, since it requires you to collect rewards once per weekend and is only available only to one character in your roster. The rewards are somewhat different from the previous time. This weekend, on July 23rd and July 24th, the benefits will comprise:

Saturday, July 23rd

3 Battle Items Chest 1 and Honing Shards Selection Chest 3

Sunday, July 24,

Honing Selection Support Chest as well as Guard Stone Selection Pouch x6

This week, in the weekend that will be July's last the rewards will change to:

Saturday, July 30th

Three Battle Items Chest one and Honing Leapstone Chest II x 2 and Selection Chest II x 2

Sunday July 31st

Honing Selection Support Chest as well as Destruction Stone Selection Pouch x3

Progression bonuses added to the July update are still in effect and are accompanied by The Punika Powerpass, by which you can level any character at a rapid rate until item level 1302 with a single use for the pass. In addition, there are Hyper Express events. So, every character who is at 1302+ (including any character that has been insta-leveled to your roster) gains access to several challenges for progression to help them climb to the item level 1370. Additionally, this is a part of Abyssal Challenge Dungeons, which rewards winners with tools for honing their skills.

This weekend, you'll be in a position to claim these chests if remember to log in on Lost Ark Gold Buy.