Lost Ark gets its first major update in March

Posted by jamysen jamysen March 8, 2022

Filed in Arts & Culture 168 views

Lost Ark has been around for years in South Korea and went live in the West last month. As recently announced on the official website, an update will be released sometime this month, with more to come. Players are looking forward to this and will prepare some Lost Ark Gold to play.

The first thing confirmed in the March update is more storylines, including one called Kadan that covers the islands of Isteri and Illusion Bamboo. Continuing from where the current main quest ended, it sees players searching for the first Guardian Killer and the last Lost Ark. There will be new quests for players to unlock, but this will require a character with an item level of 1,100. So players with insufficient levels who want to level up quickly can buy Lost Ark Gold and Lost Ark Boosting.

There’s also a new endgame event called “Abyss Raids”. Like the existing Guardian raids, these are monster hunter-inspired boss hunts. The Guardians that players need to hunt must pass through three stages of quests, each with different mechanics and different rewards, including Lost Ark Gold. The first Abyssal Raid will be against a Guardian named Argos.

The announcement pointed out that these two fresh additions are not all the content in the update, and players can enter the game to explore new content by themselves. Players can buy Lost Ark Gold at https://www.iggm.com/lost-ark-gold before entering the game. They also provide the latest game news and game walkthroughs.

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