Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker’s story delivers meaningful message

Posted by clairerr clairerr March 1, 2022

Filed in Arts & Culture 214 views

Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker’s story tackles some heavy existential themes and delivers a powerful message that has fans thinking a lot. Many players will want to prepare enough FFXIV Gil to perform better in the game, and they can also understand some philosophy from the game. While Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker’s MSQ sends a powerful message of hope, it would be an oversimplification to just keep it here.

Warrior of Light and their comrades face literal monsters born out of nihilistic despair, while players face metaphorical monsters born out of the same feeling in real life. Everyone has to face the inevitability of death in their lives, and Endwalker helps facilitate that process with an underlying positivity.

The events of Endwalker forced FFXIV players to ask themselves some tough questions when facing Warrior of Light. The villains in the game that players encounter are individuals and groups in physical form. In Endwalker, however, Warrior of Light is essentially fighting despair, a much harder foe to defeat. And some fans who pay attention to the lyrics of FFXIV’s music can clearly understand the content of the story.

It featured some of these influential songs in the FFXIV: Endwalker release trailer. While some of the music captures a sense of hopeless desperation, lyrics like those in “Footfalls” encourage fans to keep going despite the fear and pain they’ve experienced in the story and in real life. If players encounter difficulties in the game, they can buy FFXIV Gil at to get through it easily. When encountering difficulties in real life, players also need to solve it and move forward bravely!

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